Aventura Parks has launched the Discovery Circuit for toddlers. This play area is jam-packed with activities set in nature to improve early development of children.
December 2021, Dubai – Aventura Parks carries the thrill of playing and experiential learning in its well-renowned circuits, jam-packed with delightful games, entertainment, laughter and diversion. It moves forward with the mission of removing individuals from conventional and dull lifestyles and harnessing their physical, emotional and mental strength in the middle of tall trees. Working on this idea, Aventura Parks has recently transformed its ‘Mini Kids’ circuit into the ‘Discovery Circuit”. It is specially equipped with activities for toddlers.
The Discovery Circuit, set in the heart of nature, gives children the opportunity to experiment, think creatively and problem-solving. The management extracted insights from customer feedback and upgraded the Mini Kids circuit to Discovery. Frank Raubenheimer, Operations Manager at Aventura Parks, says that the new section “has an added component in it” that utilizes the nature setting and learning aspects.
Upon asking, he explained that this added component reflects the “Pyramid of Learning”. He further described, “It is basically tiers of how the central nervous system develops from the right at the base up to where you are a fully functional entity”.
The areas of Discovery Circuit are mainly based on the bottom tier of the pyramid that focuses on tactile, vestibular and proprioception. Moreover, Raubenheimer expressed the outcome in words, “We’ve got a more rounded education-based play area for kids” that is between the ages of two to seven years old.
This beautifully-designed Discovery Circuit incorporates fun activities such as a miniature rock wall, short zipline trail and a very glamorous fountain area, set amidst the trees, somersaulting towards the sky. These activities utilize the strengths of nature elements such as sticks, rocks, soil, flowers, wood, leaves, soil, water and more to grasp the attention of toddlers. Consequently, curiosity sparks in them, and they turn into natural explorers of the world.
The adventures of the Discovery Circuit don’t end here. It is all buckled up to elevate the senses of children. It is an open-area laboratory where they facilitate the innate traits of smell, touch, taste, sounds and sight. However, safety was the main concern for the management.“How do I represent [the] tactile area in an outdoor environment while it is safe for small children”, said Frank Raubenheimer. But the team worked together and created a safe, immersive and engaging play area for kids.
Through brainstorming sessions, they came up with a fountain area because he acknowledged the importance of the sense of touch as the first sense that children develop. He further elaborated, “They can play in the water; understand the temperatures; understand the textures; feel the water on their skin”. It can be said that the fountain area is primarily focused on resolving the sense regulation issues of certain children.
Managing the balance between nature and nurture is essential for a cheerful child’s early development, and Aventura helps with just that. Playing among the natural elements will help them gain profound knowledge about the world. It will foster their social, cognitive and motor skills. It satisfies their risk-taking traits and trains them to tackle unexpected situations with sheer confidence. Hence, retreating to Aventura Parks is the bounty you need to experience the blissful joy of watching your child exceed their potential.
About Aventura Parks
Aventura Parks is the largest zip line park in Dubai that led its foundations on abstract learning, enjoyment and adventurer in a nature setting. It provides the learning environment to help visitors improve their physical and cognitive skills, leading to a stable and calm personality. Thrilling activities incorporated in each circuit of Aventura Parks are a means to build countless memories.